Sunday 3 July 2011

Brand New Start

Restart. Brand New.  It seems that everyone wants to have a new beginning in life. New beginning brings about some excitement and challenges.  When it comes to the word "new", we all embrace it.

New term of government. If we are sick of the existing government policies, we are moved to strike on the streets, looking for hopes in the coming days.  Like the revolutions in the North Africa, Morocco, Tunisia and Libya, what these people shared in common, is looking for a new start.

I just made a new hair cut today, not exactly new hairstyle. I quitted my job and pursue a new life in the UK, everything seems so complicated. What I am doing doesn't mean that I am bored of my history, or being sick of the past; instead, I am here looking for a new start and a more promising future.  Who doesn't want a prosperous life though?