Friday 21 October 2011

Rethinking of B.L.O.G.

It's been a while since the last post. Honestly, this can be attributed to the human nature of laziness. I didn't intend to stop blogging, my mind just went on and off about what to blog during this period of time. I am getting sick of the template... Or I shouldn't have blamed on anything else, at least the blog provided by blogger is free. There are reasons why people stop blogging:
  • they think Facebook and Twitter are blogs;
  • writing blogs need certain degree of commitment and effort for maintenance;
  • they're out of topic, out of ideas on writing;
  • they're simply lazy to login and type;
  • they simply hate the design of the blogs;
  • they prefer investing in sports, social life, study and work even more;
  • blogging don't pay;
  • they think no one cares about their blogs, so why bother blog?
Or you could make up one excuse.

Write a neat and read-worthy blog is the hardest job.

Sunday 3 July 2011

Brand New Start

Restart. Brand New.  It seems that everyone wants to have a new beginning in life. New beginning brings about some excitement and challenges.  When it comes to the word "new", we all embrace it.

New term of government. If we are sick of the existing government policies, we are moved to strike on the streets, looking for hopes in the coming days.  Like the revolutions in the North Africa, Morocco, Tunisia and Libya, what these people shared in common, is looking for a new start.

I just made a new hair cut today, not exactly new hairstyle. I quitted my job and pursue a new life in the UK, everything seems so complicated. What I am doing doesn't mean that I am bored of my history, or being sick of the past; instead, I am here looking for a new start and a more promising future.  Who doesn't want a prosperous life though?

Sunday 5 June 2011

Photo Management

I know I am poor in managing photos, every time I ahve finished taking plenty of photos with my friends or relatives, I tend to save it on my computer, and I have completely no idea how to organize them, or even have a motive to send the photos back to them.  You may say I am lazy, no, I am just looking for an efficient way to deal with my photos.  Especially we are in the age of digital era, everything seem to be more convenient.  We are taking photos without a thought and without a cost.

Next step, it's gonna be more goal in July/August, to practice a way storing photos in an organized way, be it uploading to the online photo albums or burn a disc.  Just want to be organized.

Never Forget

 It was a day in China's history that will never be forgotten.  June 4, 1989, Chinese troops opened fire on students and protesters in Tiananmen Square.  The protests began in April following the death of former Communist Party General Secretary Hu Yaobang. Only a handful of people originally showed up to the square in his memory, but as weeks passed hundreds of thousands of people joined the demonstration, which became a mass movement for political reform.  The protests remained peaceful until troops opened fire June 4th. The government reported 241 people were killed and 7,000 were wounded.

Friday 3 June 2011

Democratic Arab?

The roar of the jubilant crowd assembled in Cairo's Tahrir Square said it all. Nearly four months ago, longtime Egyptian strongman Hosni Mubarak finally yielded to political reality and stepped down from power. Mubarak's fall -- coming on the heels of the ouster of neighboring Tunisia's Zine El Abidine Ben Ali -- was seen by many as part of a domino effect.

The Arab world, it seemed, was finally on the brink of a peaceful democratic transition that had eluded the troubled region for generations. Today, however, the promise of a peaceful Arab Spring appears to be yielding to the reality of a long, violent summer as dictators across the Middle East and North Africa draw a line in the sand and fight to maintain control of their countries.

Shock & Fear

Psychologically fear - when I nakedly face the cruel reality of the poor results achieved in my first degree.  Indeed, we all have mistakes, no one is perfect, right?  I have planned to pursue MA Journalism > PhD in Politics.  Not joking.

Scribble Seriously!

Salut!  It's always hard to start writing. First word, first sentence.  My mind tends to go blank.  Right now, I am seriously kick-off this brand new writing project, in order to further enhance my writing skills.  I hope I will be writing better and better in English, sentences tend to become more sophisticated, using more generally more educated vocabulary, I hope after a year, my blogging skills can be enhanced, that attracts regular readers clicking to my blog on a regular basis.  That's it, this is not only written for myself, but for a group of potential readers who are interested to share some thoughts of mine.